Serving The Straits Area Sportsmen Since 1975
Serving The Straits Area Sportsmen Since 1975
The Straits Area Sportsmen's Club (SASC) and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MI DNR) have actively participated in walleye conservation efforts in Brevort Lake and surrounding areas. Their initiatives include raising and releasing walleye fingerlings and purchasing and releasing fall walleyes of a larger size.
Here's a summary of our efforts mentioned:
Our efforts are to bolster the walleye population in the region, contributing to the conservation and sustainability of the species for recreational and ecological purposes.
October 2022
Straits Area Sportsmen's Club released 4,603 Fall Walleyes, 6 “-9” long, in Brevort Lake. Each Fall Walleye had its left pectoral fin-clipped by several MIDNR biologists before being released. Up to 75% - 80% of these fish will survive to 15 “-16” in 2 to 3 years. The club plans to release Fall Walleyes every other year in the lake for ten years.
This past fall, the Sault St. Marie Tribe of Chippawa and the MIDNR biologist electro-shocked Brevort Lake and caught 140 15” Walleyes and 32 Young of the Year Walleyes. Last year they caught 1 YOY Walleye. The YOY Walleyes are from natural reproduction, and after measuring and taking a scale, the fish were released back into the lake by the biologists.
We could not work to improve the Brevort Lake fisheries without the financial support of Moran Twp., the Brevort Lake Association, Enbridge, and the many individual donors who support the Walleye Stocking Program.
If you want to donate to our Brevort Lake Walleye Fund in the future, you can mail a check to Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club, P.O. Box 764, St. Ignace, Mi. 49781, or go to the bottom of the page to donate Pay-Pal or a major credit card. Please indicate “Walleye Fund” on your check or PayPal receipt.
After carefully accessing our Brevort Lake walleye goals with the DNR, we will be only stocking the larger 6” -9” walleyes this fall.
In 2018, 2019, and 2021 the Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club purchased 6” -9” Fall Walleyes, stocked in Brevort Lake, totaling 6,000 Fall Walleyes.
The amount we intend to stock will depend on the funding we have available at that time. However, we currently anticipate stocking 4,000 fall walleyes.
If you want to donate to our Brevort Lake Walleye Fund, you can mail a check to Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club, P.O. Box 764, St. Ignace, Mi. 49781, or go to the bottom of the page to donate Pay-Pal or a major credit card. Please indicate “Walleye Fund” on your check or PayPal receipt.
During our meeting on April 19th, we decided to try something new with our Brevort Lake Walleye stocking program. In previous years we have stocked the lake in the Spring with 1 1/2" fingerlings and sometimes with 6 "-9" Fall Walleyes; this year, we are going to bypass the Spring stocking.
In September, SASC will work with the DNR to electroshock the lake; by doing this, we will be able to observe the natural walleye reproduction of Walleyes in the lake. This information will help give us a clear understanding of speculation that has been voiced, such as whether fingerlings are making it to maturity or if they are just Perch food. Once this survey has been completed, we will start stocking the lake with six in. to 9 in—fall Walleyes.
In 2022 the DNR will conduct a Walleye Survey to determine the Walleye population in Brevort Lake.
To find out how to help us purchase Fall Walleyes, you can make a financial donation by scrolling to the bottom of this page, where you can make a donation using Paypal or a Major Credit Card. Or you can mail a check to Straits Area Sportsmen's Club, P.O. Box 764, St. Ignace, MI 49781. When you make your donation, please make a note that the money is for the Walleye Fund.
Please stay tuned for further detail.
The 2019 Walleye stocking program wrapped up work on October 9th, stocking 3,000 Fall Walleyes.
During the second week of October, volunteers from various organizations, including the Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club Members, DNR Fisheries, and Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa, and the U.S. Forest Service, clip the fins of 3,000 Fall Walleyes and stock them in Brevort Lake.
The project began in the spring when SASC received 150,000 Walleye Fry from the DNR Fisheries Dept. to be put into a rearing pond until they reached 1 ½” in length. In early July, club members worked with the DNR to collect 46,645 Walleye Fingerlings and release them in Brevort Lake. In addition, through generous donations to the SASC, we could purchase 3,000 Fall Walleyes and stock them in Brevort Lake.
The Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club and the DNR have been stocking Brevort Lake every other year since 2013. So far, over 150,000 fingerlings have been stocked into Brevort Lake. In the years to come, Walleye Fry will continue to be released on the odd year but will be raised through the fall (Fall Walleyes) and released when they are approximately 6 to 8 inches. Hopefully, this will give the Walleye a better chance at survival.
We got it all done with our great turnout in about 40 minutes; great teamwork to everyone who joined us!
The Straits Area Sportsmen’s Club would like to thank those who donated financially to the program.
If you would like to contribute to the SASC to help cover expenses you may do so by making a donation by using PayPal or a Major Credit Card
Please note on your donation it is for the Walleye Stocking Program
Straits Area Sportsmen's Club
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 764, St. Ignace, MI 79781
The Straits Area Sportsmen's Club is for you if you are interested in hunting, fishing, trapping, or other outdoor interests. For membership information, check our Membership Page or email us. (
We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at St. Ignace Moose Lodge, 2999 Mackinac Trail, St. Ignace, MI. Please stop in to see what we are doing.