Serving The Straits Area Sportsmen Since 1975
Serving The Straits Area Sportsmen Since 1975
A MESSAGE FROM Bob Steinmetz the National Trappers Association Director for the U.P. Trappers Association, Inc..
We trappers have decided to do everything we can to get an annual hunting and trapping season on wolves and to get the wheels turning in that direction as soon as possible! UPSA President Dave Johnson thinks we have a pretty good proposal (Similar to UPSA, MUCC, East & West CAC’s, and other proposals advocating for a UP-wide hunting and trapping season on wolves) and furnished me with the email contacts for all the clubs in UPSA.
We have created a downloadable document, on the tab below, we want to get every outdoor club to sign on to our proposal that we can. We are also hoping to get support from farmers, businesses, counties, etc. – basically, every organization and person in the U.P. that agrees with us that wolves in the U.P. have been fully recovered for over two decades. And that it is NOW way overdue for the NRC and the DNR to do what they have been charged to do – and that is to begin managing wolves according to sound science – like they are supposed to do with ALL of our natural and renewable resources.
It is not my department but I believe that the U.P. Trappers and several of our districts belong to and support UPSA. And we sportsmen have to support each other or the antis will put us all out of business! I have been advocating for hunters, trappers, and fishermen and the right to bear arms for 50 years or more and things are not looking good at this time!
The antis are out in full force!
We are hoping that UPSA will sign on as an organization and that each and every club that belongs to UPSA will sign on too.
If you want to help, even more, print out page four of our proposal (a blank sign-up sheet and get every member of your club to sign on and then mail the completed forms to me at 4984 Karen 17.25 Street, Escanaba, MI 49829.
The Case for Scientific Wolf Management in Michigan_final version (pdf)
DownloadThe Upper Peninsula Trapper’s Association
It all began way back in 1962 in the small town of L’Anse. Six or eight forward-looking trappers met in the living room of Leonard and Ester Lahti and the U.P. Trapper’s Association was born. We officially became a functioning organization on January 21, 1962. Just eleven years later another important milestone was reached: This small group of trappers in this small U.P town sponsored the Fifteenth Annual National Trapper’s Association convention! Paul Harju was the NTA Director from the Upper Peninsula at that time and the convention was held at the Whirl-I– Gig in L’Anse. Barely big enough to handle one large trap supply dealer by today’s standards, the Whirl – I – Gig sufficed in those days – when the NTA was only a couple of years older than the U.P. Trapper’s Association!
Most of these original founders are now deceased and we wonder if they could have imagined what their early efforts would eventually become—an organization that has not only survived into the next century but continues to grow and thrive.
These concerned trappers knew what was necessary and got the job done. If we close our eyes and sit back we can almost hear the intensity in their voices as they talked about a growing anti-trapping movement that was threatening their livelihood; about a conservation department that seemed to be ignoring trappers; about a few unscrupulous fur buyers who were getting together and keeping fur prices abnormally low; about how hard it was for young trappers just starting out (because no one was sharing their “secrets”); and about a general public that was becoming more and more urbanized and no longer understanding and appreciating the necessity for and the benefits of trapping.
Hopefully our founders are appreciating their efforts and seeing the great things that have been accomplished. Whether they are still alive or are watching from that “fur shed in the sky,” we hope they can see the fruits of their efforts:
The Annual Convention Every year the U.P. Trapper’s Association hosts a convention—putting most of the needs of today’s trappers all in one place: Great prices on just about any kind of trap line tool or other “necessity” you can imagine; excellent demonstrations on trapping, fleshing, and skinning; the annual meeting where trappers from each of the districts can voice their concerns on various trapping issues; and a place to establish and renew friendships and to learn many “tips and tricks” from fellow trappers. If you have never been to one of our conventions, you are missing out on the “greatest trapping show” our area has to offer.
Trapper Workshops When it first became legal to snare beaver under the ice, hardly anyone in our area knew how it was done. Canadian trappers had been snaring beaver through the ice for years, so we got them to come down and show us how it was done. The U.P. Trappers Association worked with Fur Harvester’s Auction and several snaring workshops were held throughout the U.P.
In February of 2006, District 3 sponsored their first annual Trapper’s workshop to introduce youngsters to trapping. It drew participants from several other districts and was a resounding success. Trapping supplies were available at reasonable prices; great demos and excellent fur handling highlighted the workshop; and most importantly, dozens of youngsters enjoyed a great introduction to trapping!
The Fur Pickups Fur Harvester’s Auction in North Bay Ontario has consistently helped trappers get fair market value for their furs—but shipping furs to Canada used to be a real pain. For years now, the U.P. Trapper’s Association has sponsored a fur pickup to make shipping furs to Canada more convenient and less expensive for trappers. Bags and tags are provided by the auction house and now we can simply drop our furs off at many different, close-to-home locations. And the U.P. Trapper’s Association is currently making plans to expand the fur pickup routes, making things even more convenient for the trapper.
Representation At the State Level For several years now the U.P. Trapper’s Association has been a participant in the DNR Furbearer Workgroup Meetings held twice a year in St. Ignace. This is where furbearer bag limits; possible rule changes and season dates are discussed. This is where our voices can be heard by the furbearer and wildlife specialists within the DNR. Several of our officers and members have also testified before the Natural Resources Commission on various occasions. These efforts resulted in many benefits to trappers such as having the 24 hour trap check changed to 48 hours in the Upper Peninsula
Trapper Education We all know that it is in our best interest for beginning trappers to trap in a safe, humane, ethical, and legal manner. We also know that not enough young people are becoming involved in trapping. Working with the other three major trapping organizations in Michigan and the DNR, we have established a state-wide program for trapper education.
For trapping to continue to survive, it is important that we continue in the spirit of this small group who gathered many years ago in Leonard Lahti’s living room. We are making a difference – but we need to get more and more trappers involved. Won’t you join us?
Click on the tab below to find out more about membership in the U.P. Trappers Association and other interesting topics.
Recently it has come to our attention bird hunters and pet owners are concerned about their dogs being caught in leghold traps.
Here is a very good video from U.S. Trappers Association as to how to release a pet from a leg hold trap or snare.
Straits Area Sportsmen's Club
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 764, St. Ignace, MI 79781
The Straits Area Sportsmen's Club is for you if you are interested in hunting, fishing, trapping, or other outdoor interests. For membership information, check our Membership Page or email us. (
We meet on the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at St. Ignace Moose Lodge, 2999 Mackinac Trail, St. Ignace, MI. Please stop in to see what we are doing.